
artsdepot is a creative home for everyone.

We offer a wide range of opportunities throughout the year for people to take part in arts activities and develop their creativity. We focus on providing friendly and nurturing environments where people can try something new, learn from industry professionals and increase their confidence and wellbeing.


Current Projects & Classes

Four young people sat at a table covered in brightly coloured craft materials.

Creative Opportunities for Kids & Young People

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A group of four women dancing in the dance space. They are all in a different position, two wear brightly coloured sportswear.

Creative Opportunities for Older Adults

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artsdepot's Access Fund - free & low cost tickets

Free and subsidised tickets are available if you're facing financial barriers

artsdepot Access Fund
Two young children pictured from behind. They are in a drama studio and elsewhere in the room can be seen blurry figures of another young person and an adult leading the session.

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Supported by

  • Arts Council Logo
  • John Lyons Charity Logo
  • Pentland Logo
  • London Borough of Barnet Logo